Week 18: It’s been 9 Months!

Week 18: It’s been 9 Months!

This week, I took some time off to reevaluate my to-do list, aligning my options with personal interests and career opportunities in the tech industry.

My vision and end goal revolves around building softwares with AI integration. To achieve this, I've identified three paths for professional development.

The graph showcases my career trajectory, the skills I aim to develop, and the milestones I wish to reach. Each stage equips me with a new set of tools and experiences that will serve to enhance my performance in the subsequent stage.

As you may already notice, I've just begun this exciting journey. My short-term plan is to immerse myself in the world of data and AI and become a proficient ML engineer while dedicating my free time to software development. While I don't aspire to be a career software developer, I recognize the value of acquiring those skills.

Moving up the ladder is obviously desirable, but my focus is on the chance to explore new horizons, combine transferable skills, and the potential of merging all my areas of expertise. Until I enter the industry as a data analyst, I'm holding off on studying any materials that I categorized as topics under "Future-proof Development", which consists of skills and knowledge that will keep me relevant and competitive in the ever-evolving tech industry. It's about staying ahead of the curve and being prepared for the future. This might even include learning about Quantum Computing, Blockchain technology, or any other emerging technology that has the potential to revolutionize the industry.

Next week, I'm going to continue my data analysis case study which is approaching the end of the Process stage of the six-step framework: ASK, PREPARE, PROCESS, ANALYZE, SHARE & ACT.